Saturday, May 14, 2011

the tears

it had been so long for us to wait the results
just like one of the surgeon had mentioned
it's sometimes certain people cannot make it

it is hard for us to face this situation
and i bet it is harder for the person themselves to face it

as a friend
i really do feel bad upon this thing
i hope you guys are doing good

i might not be able to teach you guys
i might not be that helpful
but i want you to know that i love you guys so much
and i always join my pray with all of you

if you guys have problem
text or call me
i"ll try my best to help you with what i have

ingat kawan-kawan
kasih sayang Allah itu sentiasa mendahului kemurkaanNya
and He always know what are the best things for us

nota tone: tahniah kepada yang berjaya..kejayaan itu juga ujian

nota power: la tahzan, innallaha ma'ana

nota reflex: maaf kerana saya tidak banyak membantu... i feel bad for this

nota coordination: saya doakan kita semua sentiasa berada dalam rahmat dan kasih sayangNya, insyaAllah



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