Tuesday, February 7, 2012


kadang-kadang semua tu baik dipendam saja
sebab meluahkan terluka
tak diluah terluka
sama je implikasinya
lebih baik diam dari berkata-kata
walaupun hati meronta-ronta

btw email spam dari yahoogroup memang tak dapat nak dibendung lagi
memang menjengkelkan

and i am so not having that so called feel-connected relationship (this is girlfriends relationship that i am talking about)
it's just hard to even think of what had happen
it's not the truth that hurt
but the lies
and it is still painful


  1. yeah.. mmg pendam dan luah dua2 bawak implikasi yg same. but better luahkan coz at least the pain is shared, not harboured. harbouring ur feeling makes you feel more painful... make the pain into halves.

  2. aah..nyemak j yahoogrup spam emel tu..aishh

    btw, k.paa cheers..! mmg susah
