Thursday, January 19, 2012

if it is not the right thing on the right time...

certain thing is seen so clearly
and somewhat you had already touch it
but then
it slips away

if it wasn't meant for you now
maybe it'll be yours later
or maybe it'll be something better

give me strength

and guys
thanx for the soothing words
and thanx for the concern
may Allah bless

Begitulah awan nano
Setia melindungi diri
Tika panas mencuba menggores pipi
Dan bibirmu

Begitulah awan nano
Sering saja tak terduga hadir
Dan tak akan tercapai jejarimu


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

life is just so dry if you don't have anything to make it wet

things that can be said are




saya masih berdiri walaupun goyah
saya masih berjalan walaupun longlai
saya masih bertahan walaupun susah

kadang-kadang tak tahu nak bermula dari mana dan berakhir di mana

Saat kau melangkahkan kaki
Jatuh dan bangun sendiri
Semuanya mampu kau redahi

Saat usiamu telah dewasa
Cabaran datang bertimpa
Kau kecewa derita sengsara

Hapuskanlah air matamu
Redha dan teruskanlah usahamu
Pasti kau akan mengerti
Hidup ini
Putarannya tersendiri

Hentikanlah air matamu
Biarkanlah kisah duka itu berlalu
Mendung hari takkan selalu
Sinar bahagia, oh pastikan kau ketemu


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

la tahzan.. Allah itu maha mengetahui

each and every pain will then be rewarded


He knows what are the best for you


Monday, January 16, 2012


bukannya aku ego

cuma aku tak nak pupuk rasa terbeban sesama kita

bukannya tak susah

cuma kalau dah tak sudi buat apa nak minta tolong

aku tak nak mendesak

aku tak nak nampak terdesak

oh ya...
tahun depan silakan orang lain pula
kalau kau tak pandai
aku pun tak reti
kalau kau tak terror
aku pun tak cekap

kalau aku boleh
kenapa kau tak?

mak dan ayah
along, achik dan ajan
kita rindu

permudahkan urusan kami
tenangkan hati kami
jauhkan perasaan benci dan dendam

Jadilah kamu seperti bulan
Terangi malam bersalut gelita
Cahaya ditempa dari suria
Tidak tahu menyakiti
Tidak pula menyakitkan

Thursday, January 12, 2012

jealousy- post berbaur emosi (ada rhythm la)

pada mereka yang sukakan ketenangan dan kedamaian
sila elakkan diri anda dari membaca post yang berunsur emosi ini

if you happen to read this
do understand that this is what is happening inside my brain
jangan pula baca pastu nak sentap sorang-sorang dalam hati

seriously kucingred
kau bajet gila ada orang nak baca ni

i'm in a so called condition of jealousy
and of course
it's all about my dental life

i feel so jealous of  my friends yang dah issue denture
as i never experience that before (okayh emosi gila di situ)

and feel jealous of them who are very successful in their exams
as well as in doing clinical things

sometimes i wonder
why can't i be as competent as they are
as good as they are
and as positive as they are

i just can't motivate myself
and i just can't solve the problems
making me stuck here and there
and wasting both patients' and my time

it just so pathetic

o Allah
i seek for Your forgiveness
and i asked You to guide me on the right path

i'm so tense :(

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Tak semua kau rancang akan berlaku
Mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku

try to be positive with it

but sometimes feel like crying out loud
and say it to you

Ini tidak adil tidak adil baginya
Ini tidak adil tidak adil bagiku
Ini tidak adil

but then
i still have lots of things to be grateful
why should i say those words?

sungguh syukur itu lebih sukar dari sabar

jadikan kami hamba yang bersyukur
jadikan kami hamba yang bersabar

Sunday, January 8, 2012

makin lama kita dah berpisah dengan seseorang tu
kita akan develop either two
which are
i- kita jadi lupa terus kat orang tu dan tak ingat dia terus
ii- kita jadi makin ingat and rindu kat dia because as time flies masa kita kehilangan dia juga bertambah

and seriously
i miss them so much

ya Allah
Kau ampunkanlah dosa-dosa mereka
dan Kau peliharalah mereka dari azab kubur

Saturday, January 7, 2012

MOS= my own self

minor oral surgery
frequently heard
and Alhamdulillah
day before yesterday was the day
thanx to seniors and doctor for the surgery
and i got MC for 2 days :D

apapun Alhamdulillah
everything went well so far
hopefully no unwanted things happen

doakan semoga everything will be fine
and thank you for doing that

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

stop talking about others
that is not cool
(that's why i don't write people's name and that's why i like to brag about myself)
sadist me isn't it?



chill babe, relax bro.. i pun kena redo

holla lolla..
lama sungguh dah tak menulis pasal lab simulasi
ye lah..
awak kan dah jarang-jarang pi lab simulasi
kalau cerita nampak sangat la ada unsur israiliat

dah beberapa minggu jugak awak and friends ada simulation tooth prep untuk fixed prostho
so far so-so la
memang ramai kawan-kawan awak yang dah advanced (macam tak biasa)
and awak ni macam biasa la
gegolong laggard (macam tak biasa lak)
a lil bit stressful
tapi awak malas nak fikir
bukan apa
otak awak ni satu je
hati awak pun satu je
tak kuasa la nak terbeban dengan perkara-perkara ni je
(tapi itu tidak bermakna awak tak terbeban langsung)


semoga dipermudahkan urusan

Monday, January 2, 2012

obsesi.. membiuskan kewarasan akalmu.. SERIOUSLY!

i've been writing on this quite a number i guess
but Malaysians keep on shocking me with this issue

it's OBSESSION everybody
*eyes pop out*


i don't know why but i see or meet lots of people with this kind of attitude in this country
"i'm taking A course which is better than your B course. because B course does not have bla..bla..bla.."
"i like this people not that one because that one is no good yada..yada..yada.."
so on and so forth

when you have these kind of obsessionS
you tend to discriminate and started to criticize the other party without the knowledge
but sadly you think you know the other party good enough that you can condemned them like your heart
which it will then reflect how lack of knowledge you are from giving that so called exchange of ideas
that it will then show how being idiotic you are for not seeing thing in a holistic view but being unequal

that's pathetic dear
that is PATHETIC
and i mean it

yang halal itu jelas
yang haram itu jelas
antara kedua-duanya adalah syubhah

jangan kerana obsesi
yang haram kamu halalkan
yang halal kamu haramkan

it's good for you to have your own stand
but do remember
no matter what we do
it's for the sake of Allah

apa yang kita lakukan semuanya untuk mencapai mardhatillah
barulah jiwa kita akan jadi tenang

jangan biarkan obsesi membiuskan kewarasan akalmu

it's not cool at all

Allahu `alam