Monday, June 28, 2010

hati yang rapuh

saya sangat sedih
i don't know how to describe it
saya terlalu sedih
i cannot control myself anymore

i am totally lost
i feel like giving everything up right now

i want to go away
how i wish i never been here in the first place

enough with lying my own feeling
enough with all things that i pretended it to be okay
enough with all the fake smiles
enough with i don't mind situation
enough with everything

Allah, forgive me

saya rasa sangat down
i am not excel in my study
not even have skills
even for the paper that others can score, i failed to score
even for paper that people say easy, it is hard for me
even for things that people can do it easily, it takes lot of effort for me to do it

how i wish i am not a left-handed
how i wish i am as good as others
how i wish i weren't me

ya Allah,
maafkan saya
jadikan saya lebih tabah
agar saya gembira menjadi saya

andai ini yang terbaik bagi saya
jadikan saya redha dengannya

jangan jauhkan rahmatMu dari saya
dan bimbinglah saya menuju redhaMu

permudahkan urusan saya di dunia dan akhirat

ya Allah

hati yang rapuh.......

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