Saturday, October 9, 2010

saya masih lagi takut

dentist or doktor gigi

bila cakap pasal doktor gigi, sakit gigi ni memang kebanyakan orang akan rasa takut
i would not blame them for feel such thing sebab saya sendiri setelah hampir 3 tahun berada dalam bidang ni masih lagi takut akan dentist
tak tahu kenapa, mengapa, bagaimana
tapi membayangkan diri sendiri berada di atas dental chair dengan mulut yang terbuka tu saja dah buat saya rasa berdebar
and if i were to imagine the pain, of course the anxiety become greater

as far as i could remember, i never had a bad experience in dental care during childhood
but the anxiety of seeing dentist is quite bad..huhu
saya pun tak tahu macam mana
even if i go to dental clinic untuk temankan my mum or brother, still rasa macam nak pecah jantung sebab sangat berdebar

i have several filled teeth which the procedures was painless (as far as i remember la kan)
a root canal treated tooth which already been extracted
tapi nak katanya even dah banyak kali jumpa dentist
dah banyak kali buat treatment (which are painless)
still i cannot hold myself from the anxiety

am i going to be scared towards my own self?

Allah, buangkanlah ketakutan itu dari hati hamba...

idea(s) anyone?


  1. ehehehe....
    kita tak takut ngn akak pun~
    tapi kita takut ngn dr tersebut..

  2. i'm afraid of dr tersebut if i'm walking in as patient huhuhu
    kalau bese2 x takut kot (rasenye la)
